From the Principal
Message from the Principal
Dear Southside Families,
The 2024/2025 school year officially kicks off on Tuesday, September 3rd! I am looking forward to seeing the smiling faces of all our eagles as they enter Southside’s doors for the first day of a year filled with academic growth and community connection. It’s going to be an amazing year! This year we have the opportunity to welcome some new and familiar faces to our Southside family. Please join me in welcoming Brazee Smith as our kindergarten teacher, Keely Kuehl in 1st grade, Tracey Karst in 3rd grade, and Kristi Clopp in 5th grade. We also had teachers who were excited to try new roles. Robin Kimmelshue is teaching P.E. and Outdoor Education, Noelle Bastow will be teaching music AND band, Jalene Evans looped with her class to 4th grade, and Nichole McIntosh looped with her class to 6th grade. Finally, although we are sad she is no longer at Southside, we are also excited for Kathy Klein who is teaching 8th grade math at SMS.
To help make the transition from summer to school as smooth as possible, teachers and staff will be widely available on the first day to help students as they are dropped off from the bus and from cars. We kindly request that parents not accompany students beyond the entry on the first day. If you need to speak with your child’s teacher, please contact them to arrange a conference time. Please note that school begins promptly at 7:45 each day. School is dismissed at 2:10 Monday-Thursday and at 1:10 on Fridays. Make sure your child knows if they are being picked up by their parents or are riding the bus (AND ROUTE #) on the first day.
Warmest Regards,
Jennifer Smith - Principal